B Movie Cast Episode 381: The Big Lebowski

Hey B-Movie Cast listeners! After a bit of technical difficulty and some unavoidable delays we have a new episode up! This time the gang takes a look at a film Vince loved and wanted to do on the cast. “The Big Lebowski”! This is truly a movie that doesn’t let the plot get in the way of the story as Jeff Bridges brings one of his most unique characters to the screen as he searches for justice… or at least a replacement for his rug. After all, that rug really brought the room together man.  Put on your bowling shoes, get your favorite German nihilist LP out, fix yourself a white Russian and listen in while Mary, Juan and Nic talk about The Dude and try real hard to abide!

Don’t forget to visit the contest page for this episode’s ‘name the movie’ contest.

Also- we are doing better with the voice mails and MP3’s so keep sending those in along with your emails! 
We LOVE to hear from you guys!