BMC335-Danger Diabolik 1968



Out for all he can take, seduce, or get away with…

This week at The B-Movie Clubhouse Nic is out so we have our friend from the UK Adrian Smith sitting in. This week we picked I film that I’ve wanted to talk about for some time. That film is Danger Diabolik from 1968. The film was directed by Mario Bava and stars John Phillip Law and Marisa Mell.

Fey super-thief Diabolik runs around stealing jewels, gold, murdering innocent people, and being a nuisance to the government of a generic European country.

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BMC334-Tombs of the Blind Dead 1972


Who are these unholy savages who hunt out their victims by sound alone?

This week at The B-Movie Clubhouse we have a special guest. It’s Rod Barnett from The Bloody Pit and Naschy Cast podcasts! Rod’s pick this week is a Spanish horror film Tombs of the Blind Dead from 1972. The film was directed by Amando de Ossorio.

In the 13th century there existed a legion of evil knights known as the Templars, who quested for eternal life by drinking human blood and committing sacrifices. Executed for their unholy deeds, the Templars bodies were left out for the crows to peck out their eyes.

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Bloody Pit of Rod

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BMC333-Gamera Guardian of the Universe 1995


The other Big G is back!

This week at The B-Movie Clubhouse I thought it was time for a Giant Monster film so I picked Gamera: Guardian of the Universe from 1995.

A hibernating species of giant carnivorous bird is awakened on a Japanese island shortly after the Japanese military encounters an unidentified mass moving beneath the water off-shore.

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BMC332-Mad Max (1979) and The Road Warrior (1981)



This week at The B-Movie Clubhouse Nic thought it would be a good idea if we talk about Mad Max (1979) and Mad Max 2 The Road Warrior (1981) because of the upcoming release of Mad Max: Fury Road on May 15th. Both films where directed by George Miller and star Mel Gibson.

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BMC331-Day of Anger 1967


Lee Van Cleef at his meanest!

This week at The B-Movie Clubhouse our friend from the U.K. photographer Mark Mawston works with Arrow Films and he was nice enough to send us some new Arrow U.S.A. Releases. So this week we are talking about a Spaghetti Western called Day of Anger aka Gunlaw from 1967. The film stars Lee Van Cleff and Giuliano Gemma.

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BMC330-Professor Dowell’s Testament 1984


Russian cult movie, maybe.

This week at The B-Movie Clubhouse Juan is back as we talk about one of my recent finds. Itís a Russian Sci-Fi film from 1984 called (Zaveshchaniye professora Douelya) Professor Dowell’s Testament. Yes itís another living Head Movie, Yes I know I have a problem. Should be fun!

Professor Dowell and his assistant surgeon Dr. Kern are working on the resurrection of the dead. Dr. Kern kills Dowell in a set up car accident. Professor Dowell’s head is now kept alive and used by Dr. Kern for extraction of scientific secrets.

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