Episode 391: Mad Monster Party

This week the B-Movie Cast gang has a special guest! Mary and Nic are joined by Screem Magazine creator Darryl Mayeski. 

We take a look at a classic Monster Kid favorite that often get’s overlooked today: Mad Monster Party! 

This is a stop-motion… err I mean “Animagic” (Thanks MOM productions) feature film released by Rankin/Bass Productions. It’s no “Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer” but then again what is? This fun little comedy/musical/surprisingly dark film will strike a cord with Monster Kids everywhere and it gives rise to Nic’s craziest theory yet about a Ridley Scott classic (you have to listen to find out more!). 

Oh and visit www.Screemag.com to check out the cool “Mad Monster Party” alternative cover to the latest issue of Screemag. So sit back, grab a TV dinner and a beer and tune in for Mad Monster Party on the B-Movie Cast!