Episode 481: The Big Brawl- AKA- The Battle Creek Brawl

The B-Movie Cast is back! In this episode, Mary and Nic are joined by filmmaker, actor, and martial arts movie aficionado, Michael Worth. Michael has taken a break from filmmaking, writing about ‘Bruce-splotation’ films, and launching The Pearl River Collection (of lost Martial Arts flicks) through VCI Entertainment, to check out Robert Clouse’s attempt… ok maybe his third or fourth attempt at this point, to recreate the magic of “Enter the Dragon”, this time with Jackie Chan in “The Big Brawl” (AKA “The Battle Creek Brawl”! We’ve got Jackie Chan kicking some but and showing his stunt skills in 1930s Chicago as he is forced to fight for the mob in the world’s most well-publicized illegal bare-knuckle free-for-all! So, get ready for a fast-paced, action-packed, kung fu fest that may not be Jackie Chan’s best film, but it was certainly his most old-time gangstery one!

For more on Michael Worth’s new projects…


Ricou Browning- AKA- The Gill Man from “The Creature From the Black Lagoon” is having some health issues and could use some cheering up.
We’re asking B-Movie cast friends and family to send him some good tidings for a speedy recovery! Ricou isn’t into email and Facebook posts, so please send him a card, a letter, a postcard or something else nice to cheer him up and help his recovery!
His mailing address for best wishes is:
Ricou Browning
5221 SW 196 Lane
Southwest Ranches, FL 33332