Tag Archives: Peter Graves

Episode 519: Beginning of the End

The B-Movie cast makes it big, really BIG when Mary, Nic and returning guest Bill Mize, check out the 1957, Bert I. Gordon classic “Beginning of the End”. Thrill to giant grasshoppers battling stock footage of the US military while trying not to fall off pictures of famous buildings! Yes, it’s some old school B-movie fun that features Peter Graves and a bevy of actors you’ve seen before, even if you don’t remember their names… don’t worry though, Mary wants to talk about each and every one of them! So, call your friends on your 1957 Chrysler New Yorker car phone and let them know you’re checking out “The Beginning of the End” on the B-Movie Cast!

Episode 400: It Conquered the World!

The B-Movie Podcast is very excited about our new episode! This is our 400th podcast and we’re thrilled to have you join us as we look at a true B-Movie classic: “It Conquered the World”!

Join Mary, Nic and Juan as we talk about the finer points of the film, listen to some fun voicemails from some of the B-Movie club house gang and give away a few prizes to boot!

Also, we want to thank every one of you for tuning in. We love doing the cast, but it wouldn’t be special without all of you. It’s the B-Movie Cast’s fans that make it great and we love you all! Happy 400th show!