Tag Archives: Fiona

Episode 429: Prophecy (1979)

The B-Movie Cast is back! This episode Mary and Nic welcome special guest Fiona Young-Brown, author, editor, ghostwriter and owner of BritishFoodandTravel.com to the show. The gang is checking out another flick from 1979, this time it’s a mutant bear stalking the New England woods in Prophecy. This is a favorite go-to monster flick for Nic and even more surprising, of Fiona’s too! So get ready to be lectured on the effects of mercury poisoning right before a bear that looks like a giant killer sausage shows up to rip your face off! But don’t worry, this is the B-Movie cast so no mutant bears were harmed in the making of this episode!

Episode 408: The Bride of Frankenstein

This time on the B-Movie Cast Mary and Nic are joined by Fiona Young-Brown! In addition to being an amazing author and editor, Fiona is also Nic’s wife, which has given her a disperportinate amount of exposure to B-Movies! Fiona got to pick this week’s film and as someone with naturally curly hair she decided to go for one of her favorite Universal Monsters- The Bride of Frankenstein! 

Join us as we discuss this classic film and try to explain to Mary that there were a lot of things going on under the surface of the film that some viewers might miss. Let’s just say the Hays Code never new what hit it, even after they made the studio cut the film to fit their view of what was decent for society. 

As a special bonus, at the end of the podcast one of our listeners sent in a clip from the audio book of “A Boy and His Dog” by the late Harlan Ellison. It’s worth a listen!  Oh and if you’re in the mood for audio books, check out Nic’s first audio book from his

Werewolf for Hire series: Blood Sacrafice!