BMC375-The Dragon Lives Again


Hello B-Movie Cast friends and family.

This is a special posting of a special B-Movie Cast. This episode was one that Vince, Michael Worth and co-host Nic Brown recorded earlier this year. The episode was going to be released during some down time for the show. However, as many of you know that didn’t happen because our friend and B-Movie mentor: Vince Rotolo, passed away suddenly in April of this year.

Mary, Juan and I have been working together to see what we can do to bring the show back in Vince’s honor. While going through the files on one of the many computers he used for the cast we discovered this file.

Nic has managed to edit in the standard intro and closing for the cast, along with a ‘blooper real’ bumper that guest host Michael Worth sent in from Lance Henriksen.

We hope you enjoy this special show. There is no feed back in it, we’re still working on that.

However, you’re welcome to drop us a line at with comments and best wishes to Mary.

Thank you for listening and keep watching the skies… Vince is up there somewhere!