Episode 389: Humanoids From The Deep

The B-Movie Cast is back! This episode Mary, Juan and Nic take a look at a controversial Roger Corman classic: “Humanoids From The Deep” with Doug McClure, Ann Turkel & Vic Morrow! This is a classic monster flick was billed as a serious, dramatic sci-fi film with an ecological message… until Corman said “Where are the boobs?”

The film shows exactly why you should get nervous whenever you hear scientist say things like – “genetically modified for greater size and faster growth” or “some of our specimens escaped into the wild”.  So sit back, grab a TV dinner and a beer and get ready for every sushi chef’s worst nightmare: genetically modified salmon that turn into seven foot tall monsters with a drive to kill… and mate!

Oh and don’t forget to get your B-Movie Cast T-shirt (all the cool kids are wearing them)! Mary just got an order in and they’re going fast!  Click here to go to the order page.