Tag Archives: 1960s

Episode 452: Neutron VS the Death Robots

Hello friends and welcome to the newest episode of the B-Movie cast. This is a special episode as we are dedicating it to the memory of a dear friend of the show, B-Movie fan and friend, Scott Turk. Scott passed away just before we recorded this cast, so we wanted to dedicate it to his memory. If you would like to honor Scott’s memory, please make a donation in his name to one of these charities: Doctors Without Borders, Water.org, or Georgia Public Broadcasting. Scott was a true Monster Kid and a friend to us all and he will be missed.

For this episode Mary, Nic, and Juan head south of the border to check out a Luchador style hero, who never enters the ring! He’s Neutron the Atomic Superman and he’s out to stop some easy bake over zombies and a mad scientist (also in a Luchador mask) in “Neutron VS the Death Robots”. It’s got everything you would expect from the title… except of course for robots, they’re really baked zombies… but anyway, it’s lots of fun! So, get ready for monsters and mayhem from Neutron, the discount Santo!

Episode 447: The Damned (AKA- These Are The Damned)

This episode Mary and Nic are joined by show favorite Mark Mawston. Mark has been wanting to do his favorite Hammer Studios film with us on the show so we’re checking out the Hammer film that some people forgot: “The Damned” (AKA- “These are the Damned”). It’s a rare treat that mixes a bit of sci-fi, a bit of cold war nihilism, and a dash of horror to create an unforgettable film that feels oddly appropriate do cover during the spring of 2020.  Oh, and let’s not forget, it has Oliver Reed at his most sinister, and even more diabolically it has a catchy tune the goes with it. Once you hear it, you can’t get it out of your head!  Fair warning though, you may want to try and watch this one before the episode because we spoil this one worse than cottage cheese on a car dashboard in July!

Episode 419: Batman The Movie – 1966

Holy 80th anniversaries! Hey B-Movie Cast fans, Mary and Nic are joined by the Amazing Fiona Young-Brown (AKA- Nic’s wife) on this show as we take a look at a masterpiece of 1960’s camp cinema- “Batman” (the Movie). Between seasons 1 and 2 of the TV show they produced a feature film that has the caped crusader and his youthful ward Dick taking on the ultimate collection of villains- The Joker, The Riddler, The Penguin and Cat Woman!

Will the dynamic duo be able to thwart these dastardly doers of dirty deeds? Probably. The real question is has Nic figured out the link between this film and Marvel’s “Avengers Infinity War” – Nic thinks he has – and if he’s right “Avengers End Game” will have a surprising cameo by a couple of Gotham’s finest… if they can get the Bat-Dust-Separator out of storage and back in working order! 

Seriously though- join us for some fun with a true B-Movie Classic. 

For more fun check out “An Hour to Kill” – a horror anthology with a hitman wrap-around story from friend of the podcast Aaron Carter! 

Also- Check out the pic of Juan with B-Movie Cast listener Russell Kasper at the Spooky Empire show in Florida! 


Episode 410: OSS 117 Is Unleashed!

The B-Movie Cast is back! This time Mary and Nic have another special guest, straight from the University of Sussex in the UK it’s Adrian Smith! He’s joining the gang to talk about the French Eurospy flick “OSS 117 Is Unleashed”. We’re going to take a step back into the heart of the cold war as an American agent- who speaks only French it would seem, has to investigate a submarine tracking device… and hit on every woman he meets! So grab a cold one, heat up a TV dinner and get ready as the new episode of the B-Movie Cast is unleashed!

Episode 390- Burn Witch Burn!

Happy Halloween B-Movie Cast Fans! This time on the show Mary and Nic are doing a special episode with our friend from the U.K. Mark Mawston! Mark picked out a classic bit of British cinema from the early 1960s for us staring Peter Wyngarde called “Burn Witch Burn” (originally called “Night of the Eagle” in the U.K.). It’s a movie about witches, magic and the power of being an uptight University professor!

So sit back, grab your bag of Halloween candy and enjoy episode 390 of the B-Movie Podcast!

Click here to watch “Burn Witch Burn” (AKA- “Night of the Eagle”) on Archive.org!