Episode 452: Neutron VS the Death Robots

Hello friends and welcome to the newest episode of the B-Movie cast. This is a special episode as we are dedicating it to the memory of a dear friend of the show, B-Movie fan and friend, Scott Turk. Scott passed away just before we recorded this cast, so we wanted to dedicate it to his memory. If you would like to honor Scott’s memory, please make a donation in his name to one of these charities: Doctors Without Borders, Water.org, or Georgia Public Broadcasting. Scott was a true Monster Kid and a friend to us all and he will be missed.

For this episode Mary, Nic, and Juan head south of the border to check out a Luchador style hero, who never enters the ring! He’s Neutron the Atomic Superman and he’s out to stop some easy bake over zombies and a mad scientist (also in a Luchador mask) in “Neutron VS the Death Robots”. It’s got everything you would expect from the title… except of course for robots, they’re really baked zombies… but anyway, it’s lots of fun! So, get ready for monsters and mayhem from Neutron, the discount Santo!